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How a specialist art and antiques transport company are working for good

“We all live in London and travel through it every day and can’t help but notice the homelessness situation getting worse so wanted to support charities such as the Big Issue Foundation”.

How a specialist art and antiques transport company are working  for good

We invited Patrick Hannan to talk to us about what makes Work for Good the perfect charity-giving partner for his business, Oak Fine Art Services.

Tell us a bit about Oak Fine Art Services

Oak Fine Art Services is a small independent art transport and installation company started by two friends in 2012 and now we have several staff, vans and our own storage premises.

We work for collectors, galleries and dealers handling amazing artwork every day and helping art lovers care for and display their beloved pieces.

What inspired you to join Work for Good?

We all live in London and travel through it every day and can’t help but notice the homelessness situation getting worse so wanted to support charities such as the Big Issue Foundation.

We didn’t have time for fun runs or sponsored events and wanted to make giving a more regular part of our business.

We also wanted to highlight to our clients that as part of their fee was being donated by us to charity maybe they could do a bit extra themselves thereby hopefully helping twice.

How does Oak Fine Art Services give through Work for Good?

We give a percentage of some of our invoices to any charity our client chooses otherwise the big issue by default.

What impact have you seen on your business since joining Work for Good?

We get a lot of repeat business and the clients all mention what a good idea it is so it’s building a general goodwill for us.

How will you build giving into your business model for 2019?

We will have different weeks throughout the year where we will pledge 10% of the net of all invoices that week to certain charities and make sure the clients know this beforehand and how their money will help each charity.

We loved talking to Patrick! If you’d like to find out more about Work for Good please do get in touch.