How we save charities money and time.
On average we make it 14 times quicker and 7 times more cost effective to manage Commercial Participation Agreements (CPA).
Our simple digital Commercial Participation Agreement saves charities valuable time as well as reducing legal and administration costs, by streamlining the process.
Take a look below to see exactly how we do this.
Avg staff resource (time) needed per campaign created by a charity | 15 hours |
Avg staff resource (time) needed per campaign using Work for Good | 1 hour |
ROI using Work for Good | 14:1 |
Avg cost per campaign created by a charity | £131 |
Avg cost per campaign using Work for Good | £15.74* |
ROI using Work for Good | 7:1 |
*based on avg donation per campaign £262.40
These calculations are based on data collected from charities who manage Commercial Participation Agreements in house as well as our own data.
Stewardship journey comparison

Find out more about the business stewardship journey here.
The Commercial Participation Agreement journey is almost twice as long if a charity stewards a business donor in house.
The time saved by using Work for Good opens up the opportunity to accept supporters who usually fall under your minimum threshold.