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Our fees.

Work for Good is a for-profit, tech-for-good company. We break down the barriers that hold businesses back from supporting the charities they care about. And we unlock untapped, sustainable income for charities.

To enable us to grow and continue to raise more money for charity, we deduct 5% (exc VAT) from each donation a business pays.

Using a £100 donation to illustrate:

£100.00 Donated by a business
£6.00 Work for Good fee inc VAT (5% = £5.00, VAT = £1.00). It is not currently possible for businesses to cover this fee but this is something we can consider in future.
£2.10 Payment processing fee if paid by credit/debit card inc VAT in the UK (1.9% + 20p = £2.10)
£91.90 NET DONATION (processed by Stripe)
£91.90 NET DONATION (transferred by Stripe, first of the month)
  • If the business selects that their donation is eligible for Gift Aid and once we have transferred the donation to the charity, the charity will be eligible to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated.
£117.40 NET DONATION (with Gift Aid/if donation is paid by credit/debit card)
£119.00 NET DONATION (with Gift Aid/if donation is paid by BACS)

International payments

From 1st July 2022, Stripe fees on card transactions between the UK and the EEA [0] will be 2.5% + £0.20  and on other international card transactions 2.9% + £0.20.

We do not charge:

  • Registration fees
  • Monthly fees
  • Interest (we do not keep any interest accumulated while donations are in our holding account)

Further explanation of our fee:

Charities aren't always able to create a Commercial Participation Agreement with every sales fundraising supporter, due to the time and cost involved (often the process can cost the charity more than the value of the donation).

Work for Good easily and cost-effectively creates this agreement, enabling charities to accept more sales fundraising support and raise vital income.


Once a business has paid a donation, it cannot be refunded. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.

Keeping donations secure:

Donations paid by credit or debit card are processed by Stripe and donations paid by Bacs are processed by Cater Allen.

Donations are passed from Stripe to Work for Good’s bank account (held with Cater Allen) before they are paid to the charity. Both Stripe and Cater Allen are regulated by the FCA.

For businesses: When a donation payment is charged to your card, the transaction is final and indisputable unless you can prove unauthorised use of your payment card. If you become aware of fraudulent use of your card, or if it is lost or stolen, you must notify your card provider in accordance with its reporting rules. This is outlined in our Terms & Conditions.