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How you can help people affected by the earthquake

A series of devastating earthquakes have hit southern Turkey and north-west Syria killing over 30,000 people and injuring many more.

The best way to make a difference through your business is by fundraising through your sales for a charity who is working directly on the ground. This will ensure that funds are directed to the places and people that need it most.

Your donations could help provide life-saving care and emergency shelter, food and clean water to children, women, and families.

Your support is urgently needed.

Find a charity to support from the list below who are working on the ground and donate safely and legally.

Support the Turkey and Syria earthquake

If you're a charity and would you like to be added to this page

How your business can fundraise

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    Support a charity

    Find a charity your business would like to support through your product or service sales from the list below.

  • WFG_Icon_StarYellow Brick Road.png

    Create your agreement

    Set up your legal agreement with the charity (required when you raise funds through your sales) via the donations form.

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    Start fundraising

    Sell your products and services and raise funds and awareness with your customers and communities about the crisis.

Fundraising ideas

  • Hold a 'flash fundraising' sale e.g 25% of every sale will be donated to a charity helping people from Turkey and Syria.

  • Donate a % of your fees if you offer a service, donate a percentage of your monthly fees to a charity.

  • Raise money through a gift voucher, launch a special fundraising gift voucher and donate a percentage of sales to a charity helping Turkey and Syria.

Photo: DEC - Burak Kara/Getty Images