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Businesses have raised and pledged over £4 million for charities!

Why Work for Good

The legal problem

Every year charities turn away millions of pounds from businesses who want to raise funds through their sales, despite desperately needing the donations.

This is due to a necessary legal agreement called a Commercial Participation Agreement, which is expensive and time consuming to produce.

The digital solution

Work for Good is a fundraising platform helping businesses raise funds for charities through their sales- legally.

We've digitised the legal agreement to make it quick and simple. Saving charities time and thousands of pounds. Enabling them to grow their corporate partnerships and raise more unrestricted income.

“Work for Good is a brilliant and much-needed fundraising platform for charities"

Saleh Saeed

CEO of Disasters Emergency Committee

  • WFG_Icon_PeopleRose Tinted

    Raise more funds

    Accept corporate partnerships that would usually fall under your threshold

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    Legal peace of mind

    Create quick and easy digital Commercial Participation Agreements

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    Save time and money

    14 times quicker and 7 times more cost effective to manage your agreements

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    Track your donations

    Keep track of all your supporter's fundraising campaigns in one place

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    Supporter care

    One-one care for your supporters throughout their fundraising journey

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    Logo protection

    Supporters can use the Work for Good logo to demonstrate their giving

Trusted by thousands of charities

"Our team has adopted an approach to be more efficient and effective. Using a digital CPA solution via Work for Good really helped with freeing up our fundraising teams capacity and providing much-needed brand protection."

Antonella Vinciguerra

Senior Community Fundraising Officer


How it works for your charity

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    Get started

    Sign up and agree to your side of the Commercial Participation Agreement

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    Steward your supporters

    Refer your business supporters to create their agreements

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    Receive funds

    Received funds will be transfered at the beginning of every month

How it works for your supporters

Watch our short video to see how easy it for businesses to create their Commercial Participation Agreement using our simple digital form.

Frequently asked questions

How do we sign up?

You can start your free registration here. You’ll be asked to fill in some information about your charity. You’ll also need your registered charity number and charity bank details to hand.

Do you charge a fee?

Our 2024/2025 membership offers tailored options for charities of all sizes to maximise fundraising potential. Explore our membership tiers and choose the plan that fits your organisation.

When and how will donations be paid to us?

We aggregate all donations made to you on a monthly basis and pay these to your charity via Stripe from Givey Ltd t/a Work For Good, on the first business day of the following month. So no more invoicing!

What support do you offer?

One to one support is offered to all our charity members, as well as regular webinars from industry experts and a powerful toolkit packed with insights, tips and marketing tools for all your stewardship and sales fundraising needs.