What Is International Women's Day and Why Should Small Businesses Celebrate It?
International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate achievements, as well as think about how much further there is still to go.

The first International Women’s Day took place in 1911, 8th March. Since then, every year people, women and men, all around the world come together to celebrate women’s strength and achievements. As well as a day of education, empowerment, and action, its purpose is to promote gender equality across the globe. A time startups, sole traders and small businesses should call for advocacy, and change in women’s and girls’ rights, so females of the future have every opportunity to fulfil their potential.
When is International Women’s Day?
It occurs every year on 8th March.
Why Should Small Businesses Celebrate it?
Since the first International Women’s Day in 1911, equality for women has made enormous progress, particularly here in the UK. From our rights in the workplace to our progress in politics to sport, women have certainly taken great strides to redress gender inequality. And here in the UK small business community, there are more female founders than ever before launching their own startups and independent brands. Despite these positive movements, there are still deep gender-related issues that need to be addressed. For example, denial of women and girls’ rights is one of the biggest causes of poverty worldwide. During 2020, domestic violence against women increased, not just here in the UK but worldwide, and we cannot ignore the gender pay gap. An issue that wasn’t really brought to light until 2018.

What is the 2021 theme for International Women’s Day?
This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge – which looks to celebrate women’s achievement and to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality.
Organisers of International Women’s Day are calling for people to post their #IWD2021 message on social media and choose to mark International Women’s Day as a day to celebrate achievements.
How your small business can get involved
We’ve created resources and simple ideas on how to get involved.
This year there are also thousands of online events. One of which is Refuge Fest, hosted by Refuge - a weekend of events celebrating women, where our very own MD, Veronica Bamford-Deane will be also be speaking at.
Other ways small businesses can show they stand with women, include supporting a charity that helps women and girls. Such as Women for Women International that helps women survivors of war rebuild their lives; or Women’s Aid who provide life-saving services in England for domestic abuse survivors. Visit our website to discover more Charities that are helping to support women all over the world.
If you agree that equality is good for society, families, communities and businesses then International Women’s Day is a day for small businesses to embrace.
Is there an International Men’s Day?
Of course we should continue to celebrate men’s contributions and those that inspire the world to be a better place, and there is indeed an International Men’s Day which takes place on 19th November.
But it is important to recognise that all over the world, women face great injustice, simply because of their gender.
That’s why together, the world needs to speak in one voice on International Women’s Day, amplify female achievements and demand equality for women and girls everywhere. Whatever gender, use your business platform to speak out so that one day women don’t have to face discrimination, prejudice or violence.
To pledge a donation to a charity that aligns with your small business please visit our website www.workforgood.co.uk