How To Make An Impact With Your Christmas Sales.

What can businesses do to make an impact this Christmas 2022 when the cost of living crisis is putting financial pressure on us all? This was something that the team at Work for Good carefully considered when thinking about the thousands of businesses fundraising for charity through their sales. And we came across some very interesting and compelling research.
A recent insight report ‘Christmas amid the Crunch’* commissioned by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) has presented some key findings on how consumers in the UK will choose to spend their money in 2022.
Although the report demonstrates that the rise in living costs will mean people will be choosing how to spend their cash carefully, the good news is that it suggests they will still want to make Christmas magical. Consumers will be 'buying less and choosing better', seeking out the most rewarding and also most socially impactful way to part with their pounds. Appealing to people who want to know that their money is also doing good is going to be key for businesses this Christmas.
Findings from the report:
- 40% of Brits plan to be more sustainable this Christmas, up from 36% in 2021, this remains in keeping with the fact that more people are looking to support businesses committed to saving the planet.
- 11% of adults are planning to give a zero-waste gift.
- 34% of people are considering gifting a charity donation
Furthermore, there is a wealth of evidence to show that if SMEs demonstrate they are using their work for good it creates loyalty and drives sales Another survey of consumers found that 82% of consumers say they shop with purpose in mind*.
So if people are more likely to part with their cash if they are helping others, imagine what sole traders to larger enterprises can do if they take positive action and help charities.
There are wonderful ways businesses can help charities - volunteer skills, donating old stock, payroll giving and sales fundraising (also known as cause-related marketing).
Sales fundraising is when a business donates a percentage of sales of a product or service to charity and it is a sustainable, and impactful way for any size business to give to charity. As long as the business chooses to support a charity that they have an affinity with, it will show customers a meaningful, charitable purpose. And let's not forget that the cost of living crisis is also putting financial strain on charities so raising vital funds through sales, no matter how small, will make a big positive difference.
For many people knowing they are buying from a company that is helping others will be the motivation to part with their cash. After all, giving a gift that is doing good is sure to lift spirits and spread joy this Christmas.
To help businesses make an impact this Christmas and connect with their customers, we have created a free #GiftforGood toolkit. Check it out.

Sources: Christmas Amid The Crunch