Help us grow our impact- You Give We Give!
Referral challenge
Last month we asked you to #Sharethelove by sharing your referral code on social media and marketing channels with other small businesses, helping us connect more organisations with our member charities. We’d like to thank everyone who has taken the time to do this, the campaign was such a success we’re continuing it throughout March.
We’ll continue donating 100% of all new business membership fees to charity — 50% to a charity of their choice and 50% to a charity of the referees choice! How many charities can you help by referring a new business to us?
This also applies for any charity who’d like to get involved and share their referral code with a new business member as we will donate 100% of their membership fee to the charity!
We’ll be announcing the business and charity member who has encouraged the most registrations with a spotlight feature in our April newsletter!
Business and charity members can find their unique referral code in their Work for Good account which can be found here on the bottom right-hand side of their personal dashboard (see image below). Share this with any businesses you think might like to give a percentage of their sales of goods and services back to charity and ask them to enter this code when they register.
The referral reward (charity donations!) will be made as soon as the new business starts their membership.
If you don’t have a membership and thus not a code, and aren’t yet a Work for Good member please don’t panic! There’s no better time to start ‘working for good’, so please join today here and be proud that your membership fee will be donated straight back to a good cause.
This offer is open until the end of March. Share the love!