Social media assets, tips and captions for businesses.

Encourage your clients and customers to help your business raise funds for charities and #GiftForGood this Christmas.
The key thing is to use the #GiftforGood hashtag so more people start to talk about what this means. Do this with social media posts that are inspiring, and try to think of fun and interesting ways to demonstrate your Christmas offering and charitable giving. Let's highlight the fun in fundraising!
Also, use social media to make your customers feel good. Shine the light on how they are helping make this Christmas magical, and remind them they are also doing something really good.
Five Social Media Tips For Businesses:
- Create bitesize videos. Instagram and now Facebook’s algorithms favour reels. Use a series of short reels to tell customers the story around your festive fundraising to encourage them to #GiftForGood.
- Make sure to tag the charity. We often see posts where a business talks about their fundraising but doesn't tag in the charity! Charities love to know who is supporting them and will sometimes even share posts. A tag will also encourage your customers to visit the charity's social media profile and raise awareness of that charity's work.
- Make your customers feel great. Create content that puts your customers at the heart of your #GiftForGood campaign and remind them that they are doing so much good by buying from you. You don’t want to be too gloomy but now and then you could highlight that this year, charities are, like so many organisations, under financial strain so by choosing to #GiftForGood your customers are raising vital funds that will make a big positive difference.
- Ask your customers to share the #GiftForGood message and spread the feeling of goodwill this Christmas. Encourage them to post about the product or service they have bought and be proud because giving a gift that is doing good is sure to lift spirits this Christmas.
- Start captions off with a bang. Make the first part of any caption engaging, and enticing. Pique your follower's interest with a short sentence that doesn’t have to be expanded to be read. This will boost the amount of time people spend viewing any post. And if you are sign-posting a CTA, try bringing it nearer to the top of your caption. Top tip: As a general rule, there is about three seconds to grab people's attention before they scroll away. A compelling hook will help you to grab attention.
Don’t forget to tag us @workforgooduk - we will do our best to share your posts.
Social Media Captions.
The below #GiftForGood captions are there to inspire you. Tailor the captions to include details about your fundraising and fit with your brand's tone of voice. You could also use the captions to help you script a voiceover on a video or Reel!
Scroll down to find a link to some assets which you can also use.
Short Caption :
You can make Christmas magical.
Give a gift that is doing good this festive season and help to support (insert charities handle).
We are donating *** of every sale of our ** collection to help (insert something compelling about the cause you are fundraising for e.g 'end homelessness’ or ‘end violence against women’)
Be amazing this Christmas and #GiftForGood.
Insert link to your website.
Long Caption:
You can make Christmas magical . Join us and #GiftforGood this Christmas. Give a beautiful gift that is also doing good and raise spirits this Christmas.
We are donating *** of every sale of our ** collection to (insert the charity’s handle). Buy a special gift from this collection, and you will be raising much-needed funds to help (insert something compelling about the cause you are fundraising for e.g 'end homelessness’ or ‘end violence against women’).
Be amazing and #GiftForGood.
Insert link to your website with a clear CTA. e.g Explore our #GiftForGood collection by clicking the link in our bio.