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Supporter stewardship

How can you steward your supporters?

Your Work for Good profile page is your interface with your small business supporters. It allows them to learn about what your charity does, how their support can make an impact and is a place for you to share your charity’s updates. You can edit your profile at any time via your charity dashboard.

How can you thank your supporters?

Thanking a business for their generous support is a huge part of Work for Good and we know it’s equally important for you! Therefore, we encourage you to add a thank you message to your profile, which will automatically be sent to your business supporters when they pay donations to you.

We want fundraising to be a rewarding experience; so not only will your supporters see your thank you message, they'll also be showered with lots of digital confetti! Businesses love to share this on their social channels, so remember to give them a ‘like’ or leave a congratulatory ‘comment’!

If your small business supporters have opted in to hearing from you directly, you may also wish to send them a personalised thank you message too.

How do we help steward your supporters?

We know how important it is to look after supporters; making sure they feel valued and understood. Our dedicated team take pride in supporting every small business who uses the platform through our stewardship journey; using our expertise to make them feel truly appreciated, whilst helping to save you precious time and resources.