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Gift Aid eligible donations

Your sole trader supporters can help boost your income!

Did you know there are 3.5million sole traders in the UK, and as long as they're a UK taxpayer, when they are fundraising for your charity through their sales, they can boost their donations to you with Gift Aid?

So for every £1 raised, you can claim 25p more via Gift Aid.

🙂 £1 becomes £1.25

😀 £10 becomes £12.50

😃 £100 becomes £125

🤩 £200 becomes £250

How does it work for your business supporters?

If your business supporter is a sole trader or is part of a partnership (rather than a registered company), and they are registered as a UK taxpayer and meet the necessary criteria, they may opt to Gift Aid their donation to you.

Eligible businesses will have the opportunity to apply Gift Aid to their donation when they create their agreement, so you'll know straight away about the boost. When their sales fundraising campaign has finished and they pay their donation via the platform they'll be asked to complete a Gift Aid declaration.

How does it work for your charity?

We recognise how valuable Gift Aid is as an extra income boost to your charity so we've made it easy for you to identify and download your Gift Aid data via your dashboard.