Welcome to our Charity Champions Wall of Fame! Where we celebrate the pioneering businesses who are using their business for good.
Our 'Charity Champions' are businesses that are committed to doing just that, and every year we celebrate these inspiring enterprises with our 'Charity Champion' awards.
These are the 'Top Business Donors' of 2022, businesses that have embedded sales fundraising into the heart of what they do.
These brilliant businesses show that no matter the size or the sector every business can make a positive impact.
Thank you to every 'Charity Champion' for turning the work you do into good.

Charity Champion of the year 2022
Resilient Retail Club
In the last year, Catherine Erdly from the Resilient Retail Club, has raised money for many charities by donating a portion of her sales to causes close to heart. On top of this she has also been flying the sales fundraising flag in her community and has invited ten other businesses to start working for good! Bravo Catherine, this award is very well deserved!
"Congratulations to all the Charity Champions for your amazing fundraising and for being part of a sustainable fundraising future for charities. You're amazing"
Veronica Bamford-Deane
Managing Director of Work for Good