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Zimbabwe Educational Trust

ZET supports grass roots organisations in Zimbabwe to deliver projects for vulnerable and marginalised young people. Projects are education focused and include; life skills, vocational skills and work experience, health, birth registration and access to basic human rights, as well as teaching about conservation agriculture.

zimbabweeducationaltrust.org.uk/ Fundraise for us

07458 304 443

Registered charity no. 327519

Member since February 2023

About us

ZET is a UK-based, diaspora-led charity that focuses on educational projects which empower people to support themselves out of poverty. ZET was founded in 1987, supporting students from Zimbabwe to access higher education opportunities in the UK. However, in 2006 our focus shifted back to the local communities, aiming to improve educational opportunities and break the cycle of poverty for marginalised people in Zimbabwe. As a result, we now work with expert grassroots partners on projects which advance education and human rights, alleviate the effects of poverty and climate change, and empower the most vulnerable groups.

As a small charity, our overheads are small but the connection to the communities we work in are strong. We and our local partners have excellent understanding of these communities and the challenges they face. Our responsibility is to help elevate their voices to provide the tailored support and initiatives that local community members want and need. Our three flagship projects at the moment are a women’s educational centre, community education on climate-smart agriculture, and supporting people to claim their birth registration documents, as the first step in unlocking and claiming other rights and support. However, we are always adapting and evolving our projects to best support pathways into education and out of poverty and best reflect the needs of local communities.