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We deliver beds and basics to children in poverty, to help families in crisis rise up from surviving to thriving so children can Eat, Sleep and Learn.

www.zarach.org Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1179539

Member since September 2022

About us

In 2017 when our founder, deputy head teacher, Bex Wilson discovered a 10 year old student in her class was sleeping on a sofa cushion, along with his siblings because they didn't have a bed. With nowhere to turn she began researching bed poverty and was disappointed to say the least, to find out that more than 400,000 children in the UK were attempting to sleep each night, without a warm, safe bed of their own. Some in bath tubs, some on cold floorboards, some in camp beds or sharing a bed with multiple people. Knowing that children who suffer from long-term sleep deprivation, have a much lower chance of succeeding in their education, set Bex on the path to level the playing field. Giving every child in Leeds, through partnering with schools, a chance to rise up and break the cycle of poverty, improving attendance and punctuality, and the ability to retain their learning.