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YMCA Fairthorne Group

YMCA Fairthorne Group (YMCA FG) supports 40,000 children, young people, & families every year across Hampshire and IOW to ensure everyone has the opportunities they need to lead happy, healthy lives. YMCA FG provides homes for young adults who do not have a safe place to live, community centres & outdoor activities, and hosts the annual UK Young Carers Festival.

ymca-fg.org Fundraise for us

01489 785228

Registered charity no. 1090981

Member since August 2023

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2023 Young Carers Festival

2023 Young Carers Festival

The 2023 Young Carers Festival held at YMCA Fairthorne Manor brought over 1,000 Young Carers from all over the UK; from Wales, Cornwall, Sheffield, London and many more places.

The festival was a sight to behold, with captivating performances, thrilling games, delicious food, and an incredible sense of community.

This annual event over a single weekend is where many of these courageous and inspirational young people get to be their age, without the worry of the adult responsibilities they bear at home.

“From 12-15 I was a young carer for my mum, I felt like I lost out on a lot of my childhood because of it, I’m 16 now but this weekend was so amazing it allowed me to just be a kid again and it’s the first time I’ve truly felt loved and supported since losing her. So grateful for YMCA, wish I could go again, might have to come back as a volunteer.”

Just £250 could fund one Young Carer the opportunity to attend the 2024 event and goes towards our aim that everyone has the opportunities they need to lead happy, healthy lives, including providing this ‘me time’ for Young Carers.