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Ubuntu Pathways

Ubuntu Pathways breaks the cycle of poverty in Port Elizabeth, South Africa by providing 2,000 orphaned and vulnerable children with what all children deserve —everything, every day, from cradle to career.

www.ubuntupathways.org Fundraise for us

+44 (0) 2076127610

Registered charity no. 1103749

Member since May 2020

About us

In normal circumstances, Ubuntu breaks the cycle of poverty in Port Elizabeth, South Africa by providing 2,000 orphaned and vulnerable children with what all children deserve —everything, every day, from cradle to career. Operating from our state-of-the-art Ubuntu Campus, we guide disadvantaged children on a pathway out of poverty, with individualised education, health, and social services. Founded in 1999, our model has been recognised by the likes of President William Jefferson Clinton, their patron Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and the World Economic Forum.

However, COVID-19 has literally upended our work on the ground and our fundraising globally. We're now facing a crisis. Ubuntu serves a disproportionately vulnerable population, including clients living with HIV, immunocompromised children, and elderly heads of households. We have launched a formal COVID-19 Response so we can continue to provide life-saving medical services at the Clinic for clients living with HIV, while providing all our other educational, social and psychological support virtually. Domestic abuse and unemployment has soared overnight, and unfortunately, the food situation in the townships is dire, so we've started a food security programme to ensure our community doesn't starve during the lockdown and beyond.

Like most charities, we have had to cancel our events across the world so our fundraising has been gutted at a time when we need stability the most. This is quite literally a life and death matter for many. So, if you and your company can, please donate to Ubuntu. We truly appreciate your consideration during this critical time.