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Turtle Foundation UK

With a total of seven global agencies, we are committed to protecting sea turtles and their habitats worldwide. We want to prevent sea turtles from being cruelly killed and eradicated, their nesting beaches from being polluted and built over, and their marine habitats from being contaminated and destroyed by plastic waste and other pollution.

www.turtle-foundation.org/ Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 1186209

Member since September 2022

Latest News

News from nesting season 2023 on Boa Vista/Cape Verde

News from nesting season 2023 on Boa Vista/Cape Verde

Since the nesting season of the Loggerhead turtle on Cape Verde/Boa Vista is coming to an end, we want to provide you with the latest nesting numbers to give you an impression about what was going on on our project island: to this day we could count almost 10.000 nests on the beaches, which is awesome.

Our dedicated staff (52 rangers) and 36 international volunteers are full of motivation and commitment. Together they work tirelessly to monitor and protect loggerhead nesting sites. Here are some of the measures taken to ensure the success of these important conservation efforts:

Beach monitoring: our teams regularly patrol the beaches, both to deter poachers and to identify and log fresh nesting activity.

Nest data collection: Each identified nest is carefully measured, documented and recorded in our database. This allows us to analyse patterns and trends in turtle nesting habits.

Protection of nests: Special protection measures are taken to protect nests from predators, such as relocating vulnerable nests to better protected sites, hatcheries.

Education and awareness: Our teams also work closely with the local community to raise awareness about loggerhead turtle conservation. Educational events and activities are held to communicate the importance of conserving these fascinating animals.

Your support makes it possible to implement the important conservation and research work for the preservation of endangered sea turtles.

Thank you for being part of this important project. Together we make a difference!