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Preserving Laos' unique biodiversity and wilderness

Jay White shares the story of his work restoring and protecting one of the most remote natural spaces in Laos.
"I hope that one day, in the near future, eco-tourists will come to visit the landscape and see and experience the wealth of biodiversity first-hand, whilst at the same time playing a part in its protection."
ReForest Fund - Summer 2024 Update

There has never been a more critical time to protect and restore our planet. Trillion Trees believes that forests are one of our greatest hopes and play a key role in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.
Our projects focus on recovering and regrowing native and natural forests, but we take a landscape approach, using a wide range of methods and work with communities to improve livelihoods and address the underlying drivers of deforestation. This ensures our efforts make a difference to people's lives and a lasting contribution to reducing carbon in the atmosphere, as well as preserving critical biodiversity.
Thanks to the generous support of individuals, foundations and companies that have donated to the ReForest Fund, we are supporting 13 projects so far, which are restoring over 376,000 trees.
Impact Report 2023

Forests are critical for tackling the interrelated climate and biodiversity crises. But pledges to protect and restore them have not been adequately implemented. We do not need new promises; we need action. We must meet goals already set, with ambition and accountability.
Last year’s Forest Declaration Assessment showed that the world is far off track to meet global forest goals: in 2022 6.6 million hectares of forest was lost globally despite pledges to halt deforestation by 2030. The Assessment also reported that barely 1% of funding for forests reaches Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), even though they own and manage over 11% of the world’s land and are proven to be effective forest guardians.
Protecting and restoring forests are some of the best solutions for protecting people, nature and climate. Here’s what Trillion Trees has been doing to help.