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Touch Trust

Touch Trust is a pioneering charity providing inclusive, creative, movement and multi- sensory sessions for adults and children with a variety of multi-sensory needs, learning disabilities and ASD. Our unique and person-centred approach to working with individuals ensures that we celebrate our guest’s individuality; promoting physical, emotional and social benefits and a holistic sense of wellbeing.

www.touchtrust.co.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1078995

Member since August 2021

About us

Touch Trust was founded in 1996 and became a registered charity in 1998. Our founder, the late Dilys Price OBE, was an art of movement and dance specialist taught by Rudolph Laban. At Touch Trust, we look beyond a person’s diagnosis and celebrate what each of our individual guests can do.

Dilys’ unique and licensed program, follows an incredibly thoughtful structure including touch/gentle massage, breathing techniques, music, dancing, movement and relaxation. A Touch Trust session follows a smooth energy curve, allowing an individual to experience the multi-sensory benefits of each section. Our sessions aim to release endorphins, promote good body and spatial awareness, build confidence, encourage turn taking and increase social connection.

The program is structured, which is very valuable for our guests who need routine. However, our creative facilitators are trained to work alongside the needs of each guest and will make positive adjustments wherever needed to ensure a guest is enjoying their session at their own pace. We promote independent choice and praise; each session is a celebration!

Touch Trust is naturally a person-centered charity, all about how we can communicate and without speaking by using positive touch, music and movement. We run our Touch Trust sessions weekly for groups and individuals both virtually and in person.