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TIC+ (Teens in Crisis)

TIC+ offers mental health support to children and young people between the ages of 9-25 living in Gloucestershire, and their families. We offer face-to-face, online, video and telephone counselling, free-of-charge to any young person needing support. We are proud to have never turned anyone away on the basis of cost and ensure every young person has someone to talk to.

www.ticplus.org.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1045429

Member since May 2021

About us

TIC+ (Teens in Crisis) provides face-to-face, online, video and telephone counselling services across Gloucestershire for young people aged 9-25 and their families. Our mission is to improve, preserve and promote good mental health and well-being among young people and their families. Our vision is that every young person has someone to talk to when they need it. To that end, we have provided counselling for more than 4,200 young people and parents last year and are continue to experience high numbers of referrals.


It is estimated that 1 in 6 young people in England has a significant mental health illness, and that 75% of adults who suffer with mental illness first had symptoms before the age of 24. At TIC+ over the past few years and especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing an unprecedented demand in the numbers of young people referring into our service.

Mental health issues are one of the single biggest barriers to achieving academic potential, forming successful and healthy relationships and going on to live happy, resilient adult lives. Mental health remains one of the most misunderstood and underfunded areas of health. This means that although some children and young people will receive the help and support they need, many more will not.

TIC+ offer face-to-face, online, video and telephone counselling support, and support and advice to parents and families. We listen to young people in a way that makes them feel accepted, safe, and valued so they can say what’s on their mind and be really listened to without the fear of being judged. A TIC+ counsellor will work with the young person, helping them develop life-long coping strategies and equip them to move forward.

It costs an average of approximately £570 to see a young person through an episode (7 sessions) of counselling, helping them build mental resilience and empowering them to look ahead.

We work really hard raising funds to ensure that our service is FREE to every young person who wants counselling. We, and all the young people and families we see, are so grateful for your support.