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The Wish Centre BDDWA

For over 30 years The Wish Centre has provided support to families suffering, or at risk of suffering, domestic abuse. Based in Blackburn but working throughout Lancashire, they provide refuge accommodation, specialist Independent Domestic Violence Advocates, therapeutic programmes for adults and children & counselling. The charity takes a holistic whole-family approach to tackling domestic abuse.

www.thewishcentre.org Fundraise for us

01254 260465

Registered charity no. 1116444

Member since August 2021

About us

We are a frontline charity in Lancashire providing crisis support & recovery services to victims of domestic violence and abuse (DVA). We provide a whole family approach to our work with a range of services from running 2 refuges for victims to providing therapeutic survival and recovery programmes. We work throughout Blackburn with Darwen, Lancashire and Blackburn. Our therapeutic work goes beyond working with victims of abuse and includes a prevention programme that works with men who recognise that they have been behaving in an abusive or potentially abusive way. We also provide support for children to help them manage conflict in relationships and recognise signs of abuse, as well as targeted support for children who have witnessed or suffered abuse. The charity employs specialists with a diverse range of experience to help tackle all forms of abuse including ‘honour-based’ abuse, forced marriage and female genital mutilation.