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The Nestling Trust

The Nestling Trust UK Charity brings much needed basic health care and health education to remote village areas of Nepal, where no such medical facilities existed before. It works especially in areas devastated by the 2015 earthquake, alongside local community groups, and in partnership with our trusted 'in country' non government partners organisations.

www.nestlingtrust.co.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1154431

Member since March 2018

Latest News

Construction of a Health and Birthing Centre in Baiteshwor, remote mountainous village area of Nepal

Construction of a Health and Birthing Centre in Baiteshwor, remote mountainous village area of Nepal

The Nestling Trust, in collaboration with the Nepal Government, has funded the construction of a Health and Birthing Centre, in Baiteshwor a remote village area of Nepal that previously had no birthing facility. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, where in many rural areas people have to trek for hours or even days, across mountain tracks, to reach medical care.  Every year 24,000 children die before reaching their 5th birthday.

This Health and Birthing Centre will serve approximately 12,000 people.

Completed in 2023 funds are now needed to fully staff the centre and provide equipment for the laboratory.

We made it to Kathmandu .... and raised £11,445!

We made it to Kathmandu .... and raised £11,445!

Supporters of the The Nestling Trust, including 'walkers and bikers' in the UK, New Zealand, Singapore, and the USA  successfully covered 5415 miles in the month of June - the distance from Tower Bridge in London to Swayambhunath Stupa, high on a hill in Kathmandu. Funds raised are already being used to vaccinate over 65's in rural Nepal against Covid. The Health Clinics at Melung, Bhirkot and Marbu, funded and established by the Nestling Trust in coordination with SITARA Nepal and the Nepal Ministry of Health, are helping with the rollout of the Coronavirus immunisation programme. Prior to the foundation of the clinics, villagers in these remote areas had no medical facilities. Nepal is now facing a third wave of the Coronavirus which has swept throughout the country with rural areas suffering especially badly.

'TNT' is hugely grateful to all our generous supporters who have helped us provide basic healthcare and health education to 30,000 people living within the areas of our five Health Clinics.

'In other news' - work is well advanced on our most ambitious health project yet - the construction of a new Health and Birthing Centre in Baiteshwor Municipality. When complete, the centre will provide local health and birth facilities for up to 15,000 people. It comes at a time of desperate need. 'The Lancet' recently reported that since the start of the pandemic the neonatal death rate in Nepal has tripled with 40 deaths in every 1000 live births. Pregnant women currently have to trek many hours or days across mountainous terrain to reach medical care.  Please help the trust raise the funds necessary to complete this project and improve the lives of some of the poorest people on our earth. www.nestlingtrust.co.uk

Urgent appeal launched - as Indian covid variant spreads to Nepal

Urgent appeal launched - as Indian covid variant spreads to Nepal

Nepal which borders India has seen a huge surge in Covid-19 cases reported in the Kathmandu Valley. The Nepal Government has announced prohibitory measures to restrict movement across the country, in a bid to curb the rampant spread of the virus. However, it has been reported in the Kathmandu Post and Himalayan Times that crowds are fleeing from the capital, back to their villages. The increasing risk of widespread infection is grave, and especially so in remote villages without even basic healthcare.

The Nestling Trust has established 5 Health Clinics in the remote villages of the Dolakha region thanks to the donations from our generous supporters - please help us to do more at this time of crisis.

Our London to Kathmandu Virtual Challenge - 5415 miles

Hike or Bike (or RUN!)

Hit the trail through June '21 - Set your own target, all miles count towards the total.

'Together we can do it and Save Lives in Nepal'

Donate directly via our Work for Good page or support our team of hiker/bikers via this link https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?charityCampaignUrl=nestlingtrust