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The Frozen Ark

We collect and cryopreserve DNA and cells of endangered animals for conservation. The DNA and cell samples can be used to reintroduce genetic diversity, provide conservation programmes with genetic information to prevent inbreeding and susceptibility to disease, and provide a baseline measurement to track genetic diversity changes over time.

www.frozenark.org Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1118044

Member since April 2021

About us

Our aim for the next two years is to collect DNA and cell samples of UK native invertebrates. We are focusing on invertebrates as they are neglected in this field. With endangered species, the public tends to think of iconic animals such as orang-utans that live in countries few in the UK have visited. Most people do not realise there are small endangered animals, mainly invertebrates, that live locally. They also rarely realise how other larger animals rely on these species either as a food source or to maintain the local ecosystem. If we do not collect the DNA of these animals, they may become extinct forever. We run mainly with expert volunteers and students on placement. We have two part-time staff and have been running since 2004.