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Stroke Association

Every day in the UK another 240 people wake up to the catastrophic impact of a stroke, which can leave survivors unable to move, see, speak, or even swallow. With strength, determination and the right support, recovery is possible. We support stroke survivors and their families to find the strength they need to find their way back to life.

stroke.org.uk Fundraise for us

0300 3300 740

Registered charity no. 211015

Member since December 2018

About us

Every day in the UK over 240 people wake up to the catastrophic impact of a stroke, which can leave survivors unable to move, see, speak, or even swallow.

Surviving a stroke is just the start of a long and gruelling recovery journey. With strength, determination and the right support, recovery is possible.

We support stroke survivors and their families to find the strength they need to find their way back to life.

The Stroke Association is the only charity in the UK providing lifelong support for all stroke survivors and their families.

We listen to and learn about what matters most to each stroke survivor, and to people who care for them.

We know that we can only continue to provide the best stroke support with scientific progress and with changes to public policy. That’s why we also fund critical research and campaign to improve the lives of all stroke survivors. It’s only thanks to the generosity of our supporters and donors that we can provide vital support.

If you’d like to discover the different ways you can give your time to help stroke survivors, please get in touch by emailing supporter.relations@stroke.org.uk

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Stroke Association.