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Single Homeless Project

SHP is a London-wide charity that works to prevent homelessness and help vulnerable and socially excluded people to transform their lives in every London borough. We do this by providing support and accommodation, promoting wellbeing and enhancing opportunity. From supporting people in crisis, to helping them take the final steps towards independence and employment, we make a difference to 8,000 lives every year.

www.shp.org.uk Fundraise for us

020 7520 8660

Registered charity no. 287779

Member since June 2019

About us

Our accommodation services provide stable and secure housing, and offer young people and adults intensive support to tackle the underlying causes of homelessness, including trauma, mental ill-health, drug and alcohol addiction, family breakdown or offending.

Our community-based services help people who are at risk of homelessness to maintain their accommodation and prevent them from losing their home. We support the most vulnerable people in the community who struggle with mental and physical health problems, debt, rent arrears or domestic violence by resolving crisis situations that often may lead to homelessness.

We focus on providing long-term solutions rather than a temporary fix to ensure we help lift people out of homelessness for good.

More than 60% of our clients have complex needs, defined as having several overlapping issues - including homelessness, substance misuse and mental-ill health - at the same time.

We aim to support every person we support to find:

A Sense of Purpose: The key to achieving lasting change is to support people to build their self-belief, confidence and a sense of purpose, so they feel able to shape their future path. Our Opportunities Programme helps people tap into their individual strengths, developing their self-esteem and life skills, and reducing their isolation by reconnecting them with their local community.

A Home and a Job: Our aim is to support everyone we work with to find a home and job, so that they can take the final steps to independent living. Working in partnership with landlords, employers and training providers, our Achieving Potential Programme offers homeless and socially-excluded people a range of practical support in order to meet their housing and employment needs and improve their digital skills.