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Sight Life

Our aim is to support blind and partially sighted people to maintain or improve their physical and emotional well-being by providing holistic advice and support to help them be active members of the community and live independent and fulfilled lives.

sightlife.wales/ Fundraise for us

029 2039 8900

Registered charity no. 214131

Member since August 2021

About us

Sight Life offers practical support and advice to anyone with limited sight in South Wales. Blind and partially sighted people say we give hope where there was only despair.

Our staff enable members to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing, enjoy independent lives, get (or stay) online, and remain part of the community.

Reducing isolation is a key part of our work, especially for those facing the trauma of sight loss in later life. Research shows that we fear losing our sight more than any other disability. Yet, one in five of us will experience sight loss life and the incidence is set to rise by 30% in South Wales by 2030. We can take away the fear. Through our partnerships with the NHS, Local Authorities and the commercial and third sectors, we reduce reliance on primary care services.

As an independent charity – and one of the oldest in Wales – we continually seek innovative ways and mutually beneficial partnerships to nurture the wellbeing of our growing number of service users.
Sight Life (formerly Cardiff Institute for the Blind) does not charge for its services. We rely on fundraising and donations for most of our income.

We are extremely grateful for any donations that help us to continue to provide our services. Please contact us to see how we can work together.

Monthly Donations of:

• £ 10 could help someone attend a virtual peer support group to hear from others with their sight condition.

• £ 20 could allow us to help someone select the right assistive device to empower them to live independently.

• £ 50 could provide tailored technology support to help someone with sight loss stay connected.

• £ 100 could provide a home visit to someone newly diagnosed with sight loss to advise them on independent living and staying active and safe at home.

Thank you!