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Sharewear Clothing Scheme

Nottingham based Sharewear Clothing Scheme are the UK's leading Clothing Poverty alleviation charity. We provide free high quality donated Clothing and bedding to persons referred to us in need. During 2021 we provided clothing and bedding for over 24,000 throughout the UK.

sharewearclothingscheme.org Fundraise for us

07724 118666

Registered charity no. 1170084

Member since November 2021

About us

Sharewear Clothing Scheme were founded in 2014 in the family garage of our CEO Louise Cooke, to address the need for an organisation to provide clothing to people living in clothing poverty was recognised by her son Matt, who was volunteering at his local food bank. At that time no such organisation existed and we are the first and largest organisation of our kind in the UK. We now clothe over 24,000 people per year and the organisation has grown to a team of 3 paid staff and 40 volunteers including 9 volunteer Trustees.

We receive no central funding and rely entirely on grants, fundraising and regular supporter and corporate donations to operate. We are the organisation where clothing waste can provide a sustainable solution to the UK's clothing poverty crisis and serve to campaign, educate and provide employability opportunities to our volunteers.

We regularly feature in local and national media publications and more information can be found on our website and social media pages.