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Samaritans is a charity working across the UK and Ireland to reduce the number of people who take their own lives and make sure there is someone here for anyone who is going through a difficult time.

www.samaritans.org Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 219432

Member since September 2018

About us

Whatever you’re facing, a Samaritan will face it with you.

Today, our unique 24-hour listening service will answer around 10,000 calls for help. We are there for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

We need donations to help fund our lifesaving work. Thank you for your kind support 💚

How does Work For Good work?

Whenever someone wants to fundraise for us through sales, we need to have a legal agreement in place. Work for Good takes care of this for us.

Click 'Fundraise for us' and register. You'll need to fill in a form detailing how much you'd like to raise and when you'd like to donate by. Don't worry about getting the form 100% accurate at this stage, as you can always tweak it later on.

How your donation will make a difference

👂 £10 could help answer a life-saving call for help

🤗 £25 could help train and support a listening volunteer for a year

🙋£133 could help recruit and train a new listening volunteer to answer calls for help

☎️£680 could help keep Samaritans' helpline open for an hour

📱It costs £1,077 a day to run our online chat service

🕓 It costs £4,068 an hour to deliver Samaritans' listening services and support across the UK and Ireland through our 20,000 trained listening volunteers