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Robert David Hunt

In rural areas where salaries we assist young people to finish school, with particular emphasis on helping girls. We provide funding to poorest students for books, clothing, extra tuition to help them finish school. We formed some basic IT education to help students understand Google, web-browsing, email and most importantly stay-safe-online. These subjects not taught in schools.

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Registered charity no. 1187888

Member since January 2024

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Funding 20 of the poorest students this year at this High School

Funding 20 of the poorest students this year at this High School

We have two major objectives

  • too help the poorest students finish school

  • to improve the basic IT skills of students

For helping the poorest students, we are funding 20 students for the new school year. There are 12 boys, 8 girls - in the last 6 years this is the first time it has been more boys than girls. We do not make the decision on which students to help. We leave that to the Deputy Director of the High School - she knows them well - and many students call her "mom". She will agree the list with another director and the head of the Institute.

She is pretty tough with them - if they start slacking in their studies she will warn them and if no improvement swap them out of our funding for another deserving person.

$10 a month may not seem much, but to a young person in rural Cambodia it is significant in terms of food, clothing or books. In a rural area where the average wage is $150 per month, and the parents from the poorest students probably earn less, or have large families or have some other reason for hardship. You can read more about this at https://togrowanorchid.org/sponsor-a-student-2/