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Richard House Children's Hospice

Each year Richard House provides palliative care for around 300 seriously ill children with highly complex care needs, whose diagnoses mean they are not expected to live into adulthood. Services include respite and palliative care, music and sensory therapies, family activities and trips, counselling, end-of-life care and bereavement support.

richardhouse.org.uk/ Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 1059029

Member since January 2021

About us

Richard House Children’s Hospice supports children and their families in East London to lead as positive and happy a life as possible when dealing with a life-limiting health condition. Our services support the whole family, from residential clinical care, to music therapy to end of life care.

Every gift, no matter how large or small, has an impact. Here’s how your gift could make a difference:

£10,000 could fund the complete running costs of Richard House for one day, offering tailored services to all of our families and seriously ill children, upholding our mission to support a positive and dignified journey through life to death at whatever stage a family is at.

£4,108 could provide a weekend respite stay for a child with complex health needs, meaning their family can have a much-needed rest from primary care responsibility and have some focused quality time with other siblings.

£550 could fund new and updated sensory equipment at the hospice, offering the gift of exploration and communication to a child with sensory needs by allowing them to express themselves and connect with the world around them.

£250 could provide a virtual therapy session for a child such as Music Therapy, helping a child to express themselves and communicate with those around them through a musical language; a heart-warming way for families to engage with their child.

£82 could fund one hour of complex care and supervision for a child with a life-limiting health condition, such as cancer or muscular dystrophy, helping them access a life without limits through the specialist care of our Richard House team.

£20 could cover the cost of delivering one hour of Hospice at Home care to a family with a seriously ill children who is shielding, allowing parents or carers to take vital recharging time, knowing their child is safely being cared for in the family home by our specialist team.

£10 could pay for arts and craft supplies that enable life-limited children in our residential unit to make treasured keepsakes for parents and carers.