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Raising Futures Kenya

Raising Futures Kenya works alongside young people in Kenya to enable them to create a self-reliant future, free from poverty. We provide free vocational training and business skills courses accompanied by a comprehensive package of support including; counselling, cooked meals, vouchers for childcare and travel, plus personalised support to ensure every student gains the skills, knowledge and confidence they need.

www.raisingfutureskenya.org.uk Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 1181670

Member since March 2022

About us

For 20 years Raising Futures Kenya has worked alongside local people in Kenya to develop projects which are owned by the community and create long-term, sustainable change to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods.

Through our Seed of Hope training and support programme we enable 14-25 year olds (75% girls) to secure employment or start a small business, generating enough income to live above the poverty line. We provide free technical/vocational education and business skills training, alongside mental health and wellbeing support plus practical assistance (food, hygiene products, vouchers for childcare and travel etc) which has led to over 90% of graduates being in employment, self-employment or further education.

In the UK we have 1 full-time and 1 part-time member of staff, we prefer to focus our resources in Kenya where we have a dedicated team of 21 full-time staff.