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Primrose Hospice

At Primrose Hospice we are honoured to be able to support patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families, providing them with the care and support they need during difficult times. Primrose Hospice is an independent charity and relies heavily on support from the local community. We have to raise over £1.75 million each year to continue to provide our services

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Registered charity no. 700272

Member since October 2020

About us

Primrose Hospice is an independent charity, offering care and advice to patients living with a life-limiting condition and supporting their families in the north east Worcestershire area.

We have a day hospice providing a range of support for patients. Patients can also benefit from our nurse led clinics, physiotherapy and occupational therapy services, spiritual and emotional support. Some clinics, including lymphoedema, are also hosted at the Hospice.

Our Family Support Service offers individualised support to adults and children including a counselling service, benefits advice and complementary therapy.

In the past year we have supported over 1100 patients and their families across the North Worcestershire area during the darkest times.

As an independent charity, we rely on the support of individuals and businesses to help us to raise the £1.75 million needed each year for us to provide our services free to all who require them.