Latest News
Walking for Water Campaign: George & Jan Hetherington have done it!

Super volunteers George and Jan Hetherington have walked the distance from their home in Stamford, Lincolnshire to Osupukiai Village in Narok Kenya to raise money for a borehole and solar-powered water management system that will bring the community plentiful clean water AND sets up a community fund for further developments in the community. The project will break ground in the first week of December - read more about it here
Remba Women's Group are about to start poultry farming with a solar powered egg incubator

Remba Women's Group has made fantastic progress with vegetable farming, turning rubble into plenty. They are about to start with poultry this weekend. Check out Ms. Jacqueline talking about what has been achieved:
Paorinher Phase 1 begins with food security

Check out Charles talking about how this will happen