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Plan Zheroes

Plan Zheroes has a vision for a world in which no good food is wasted and no one lives in food poverty. Our two aims are: - To prevent surplus food from businesses going to landfill. • To get it to people suffering food poverty. We now support over 460 charities who provide services for the homeless and the vulnerable.

planzheroes.org/ Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 1154291

Member since May 2021

About us

Plan Zheroes is a surplus food charity connecting businesses with surplus food to local charities who can use it. In 2019, we provided 441,000 meals to frontline charities. Our vision is for a world in which no good food is wasted and no one lives in food poverty.

We run a free online food donation platform which helps food businesses easily and safely donate their surplus food to nearby charities and community groups who can use it. A business can create an account in minutes, post a donation and the platform will inform all nearby charities of the food they have available. The charity can then claim it online and pop round to collect at the time stated.

We’ve also been working with food markets to collect and redistribute their surplus food to nearby charities since 2014. Now run several market collections around London. Borough Market is our flagship project and to date we’ve saved over 50 tonnes of great surplus food from being wasted. That’s the equivalent of over 100,000 meals reaching people in need.

Our food donation platform currently has over 1,000 business, charity and volunteer members and we are beginning to expand our work outside of our home base in London. We’re now redistributing 5 times as much food to good causes annually as we were in 2015.

We work with a wide range of businesses throughout the supply chain from food growers and producers to caterers and local bakeries. Over 50% of the food we redistribute is fresh, nutritious food including fruit & vegetables, meat, fish, dairy and eggs.