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We provide a warm Welsh Welcome for refugees and asylum seekers. We provide essential support and services to help refugees and asylum seekers integrate within their local community.

oasiscardiff.org Fundraise for us

029 2046 0424

Registered charity no. 1158195

Member since April 2020

About us

Oasis offers a warm Welsh welcome to over 4,500 asylum seekers and refugees every year. The organisation started in 2008, and has been opening its doors to 150 - 200 per day at a local drop-in centre, operating in the heart of Splott.

Oasis is an essential centre that many refugees and asylum seekers across South Wales are familiar with. The range of projects, activities and services enable us to provide far reaching, holistic support to people with complex needs. We support asylum seekers and refugees to build skills, develop confidence and ultimately to integrate into their local communities. At Oasis, we put the clients at the centre of our work, facilitating a safe place for them to gain confidence, learn and develop skills and have the agency to speak up about their needs.

We run one-to-one casework sessions for people to receive advice, and where our staff advocate on behalf of those seeking sanctuary. We run daily English classes for learners of all abilities, and we serve a daily, nutritious lunch to the people that visit our centre and serve over 25,000 plates of food per year. We run a number of programmes to support people with their mental health and we have a range of activities in art, music and sport.

Oasis is a space of community cohesion where people build support networks, make new friends and a place they can feel safe in an increasingly hostile environment.