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TimeTo campaign exposes reality of sexual harassment in advertising
NABS, Advertising Association (AA) and WACL are moving to address sexual harassment in the marketing and advertising industries by urging those affected to come forward with a joint push called timeTo.
ISBA and the IPA have also pledged support to the effort which states ‘everyone will work in every way they can towards the complete eradication of sexual harassment from our industry’.
Furthermore, Nabs is in place to offer support and advice to anyone complaining about harassment both currently or historically.
A timeTo study has been conducted with participating agencies led by Karen Fraser of ad think tank Credos. It benchmarks the level of sexual harassment across the industry and provides data for future tracking of change.
Stephen Woodford, chief executive of the Advertising Association, said: “Our industry, like many others in the UK and around the world, is going through a critical reset in terms of behaviour change. The Advertising Association exists to promote the role, rights and responsibilities of advertising and timeTo is about being clear about the behaviour standard expected of all people who work in advertising.
“This must happen to ensure our industry, which reflects and shapes the world around us, continues to be an economic and social force for good in the years ahead.”
Kerry Glazer, president of Wacl and chief executive of the AAR, added: “This initiative is not about naming and shaming; it’s about making sure that everyone in the industry is aware that any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person - male or female - feel uncomfortable, offended, intimidated, or degraded is entirely unacceptable. No excuses.”
Diana Tickell, chief executive of NABS urged anyone affected to seek advice on 0800 707 6607 or via email at