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Magic Club

The Magic Club provides amazing opportunities and activities for young people aged 7-16 in Claremont, Blackpool. In one of the most deprived areas in England, many of our members do not have the same opportunities as their peers. Through clubs, trips, residentials and volunteering we support them to grow and develop to reach their fullest potential.

www.magicclub.org.uk Fundraise for us

07721 074132

Registered charity no. 1178232

Member since August 2021

About us

For young people growing up in Claremont, Blackpool, sometimes life can be pretty tough.

As one of the most deprived areas in England, cash is tight, education can be a struggle and lots of our community suffer with poor physical and mental health.

We work with young peopled aged 7-16 all year round to ensure they access to amazing opportunities, all completely free of charge.

In a safe space, with trusted adults and a hot meal, we also plan all of our activities to ensure young people are learning and developing (even when they don't know it's happening!)

From project work about online safety, bullying or enterprise with arts, cooking and sport activities, and not forgetting pool, ping pong and karaoke, our members have access to a wide range of exciting and engaging learning opportunities.

We also run Duke of Edinburgh and Arts Award Programmes, supporting young people to gain qualifications and accreditations outside of school and provide opportunities for volunteering with younger members and in our community, building CV's, gaining experience and developing transferrable skills.

During term time we run five evenings a week delivering traditional youth club sessions and detached youth work and project work and events on weekends.

During school holidays our packed programme gets even bigger, with trips, projects and residentials, ensuring young people have access to new experiences that will stay with them for a lifetime.

Did we forget to mention FUN? We have a lot of that too!

"I now know what I want to do when I grow up. I know you will help me and I am learning the skills to get there" - Magic Club member