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Links International

Links International works to bring about genuine transformation for those living in poverty around the world. Our vision is to: - Confront Poverty - Create Potential - Connect People We provide training and resources to partners around the world bringing strategic, sustainable solutions.

www.linksinternational.org.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1168872

Member since August 2021

About us

Since 1985, Links International has worked in the area of international poverty relief to transform the methods of approach to genuine, impactful change.

By coming alongside communities around the world through a network of partners who share our vision and mission, we work hand in hand to bring about lasting transformation who whole communities that means more than just simply providing financial aid.

We focus our work in 5 areas: - Healthcare Our healthcare focuses on creating a community healthcare network, we train key individuals in local communities on basic healthcare and support larger healthcare structure where possible. We also have amazing projects including clean water through boreholes and filters, mosquito nets, food programmes and agriculture.

  • Business Our business programmes centre around a model of Micro Enterprise. We train up a business committee within the committee, and deliver initial training to the community at large. We then distribute funds through three loan and repayment cycles to establish their business to a point where it is self-sustaining.

  • Education We support projects to ensure that no child is left without the opportunity for an education. Through helping training teachers, supporting food programmes for schools, providing education materials such as school books and stationary and making sure young people that go into education are more likely to remain in education.

  • Faith We will work with people of all faiths and no faiths but, at the heart of our work, we believe that transformation is achieved with God at the centre. Much of our work is run in partnership with churches directly in the community as they are well placed to reach and impact the largest areas of the community.

  • Justice Inevitably, poverty comes at the result of injustice and we are called to challenge this. Trafficking, corruption, discrimination, slavery, all injustice is vital to challenge and we fight to tackle the root cause.

The adage says that if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he'll eat forever. But that simply isn't true unless we can provide a fishing rod, direct him to where to fish and how to do it in a way that is sustainable. We want to go above and beyond, weaving our training and resources into whole communities to bring about a change that impacts the many, not the few.

With your support, that's exactly what we can do.