Latest News
85 Year Anniversary

EVENT: Citizens Advice Portsmouth will be hold an event in the Guildhall Square on 04 September 2024 starting at 09:00 to celebrate our 85th Anniversary. we are inviting the whole community to come along and join in our celebrations.
Meet our team see where we started and how we have evolved and diversified to support the changing needs of the community we serve.
What we have achieved since April 2024

Since April 2024 we have helped 4,536 clients, gaining an income of £3,183,570.00 for our clients over this period. Our top five issues are: Benefits, Debt (Money), Immigration and Asylum, Utilities and Communications and Housing. The age diversity of our lagrest client group is 35 - 39 year of age follwoed by 40 - 44 years of age. We have multiple channels to ensure accessiblility: Email, Telephone and in Person. We want to help the community but we can only do this by getting local, national and global companies to support us with funding. Please donate as liitle or as much as you can, we want to continue with our work for another 85 years.