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Jai Dog Rescue

Jai Dog Rescue are transforming the lives of street dogs in Thailand through CNVR (spay/neuter and vaccinations), Rescue and Rehabilitation, Community support work through Jai Aid, Adoptions and providing shelter and sanctuary to rescue dogs.

jaidogrescue.org Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 1172313

Member since June 2024

About us

Jai Dog Rescue is a dog rescue charity based on a farm in the central Thai province of Nakhon Nayok, a two hour drive north-east from Bangkok.

We focus on spay and neuter, the primary method of controlling the dog population and minimising the risk of disease, and rescue and rehabilitation. We also rehome dogs, provide medical aid and food supplies to local careers, and run community outreach programmes.

Most dog rescue charities in Thailand are located in urban areas or tourist hot spots. As we are based in a remote rural area we built housing on site to accommodate our staff, together with a clinic for spay and neuter and basic veterinary treatments, and a quarantine facility.

Situated in the foothills of the Khao Yai National Park, the Farm is a place of unspoilt natural beauty providing a unique safe haven for our dogs. There are currently around 100 dogs living on the Farm, including our paralysed wheel chair residents for whom this is their forever home. Being on a working farm there is plenty of space for the dogs to roam and play.

Did you know we are part of Ministry of Sound and its sister company Ministry!? We are the only dog charity in the world to be founded by a nightclub! From the Ministry's corporate support, Jai Dog Rescue benefits from being able to put 100% of donations straight towards dogs on the ground in Thailand needing our help.