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Gallions Music Trust

Gallions Music Trust aims to improve, through the power of music, the lives and life chances of children and adults living on and around the Winsor Park Estate, a housing estate in an area of high deprivation in the London Borough of Newham.

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Registered charity no. 1141927

Member since November 2021

About us

Gallions Music Trust is a UK registered Charity no. 1141927. We are run by a team of talented and volunteers – our trustees, who give up their free time to ensure that children from Newham are able to access an outstanding music education. We were set up in 2008 in order to support the far-reaching musical education programme at Gallions Primary school and beyond, allowing children and the wider community to benefit from musical excellence on their doorstep.

Gallions Music Trust improves the lives and life chances of some of the most disadvantaged children in the UK through the power of music. We work in the London borough of Newham, where 52% of children live in households in poverty and around 5% live in temporary accommodation. 69% of the children we see come from homes where English is not the first language.

We provide an all-round musical education for these children, which goes above and beyond the National Curriculum. This includes free instrumental lessons for all children in years 2-6, the opportunity to play in orchestras, professional musicians brought in to run workshops and inspire the children to believe they can achieve amazing things. We also take them on excursions to opera, concerts and musicals in London, which they would otherwise not be able to afford.