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Week in, week out, FoodCycle nourishes the hungry and lonely in our communities across the country with delicious meals and great conversation, using food that would otherwise go to waste. Anyone, from any walk of life, is welcome, no questions asked. We work to tackle issues of food waste, food poverty and social isolation with a fantastic team of volunteers.

foodcycle.org.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1134423

Member since April 2021

About us

FoodCycle takes surplus food and turns it into nutritious community meals, with the aim of reducing food waste and food poverty whilst tackling social isolation. The volunteer-led meals are open to all, and guests include those from lower-income families, people affected by homelessness and those who cannot afford to buy food. We are currently running 65 local projects, and in 2022 we rescued 209 tonnes of food which would have ended up in landfill and served 497,552 nutritious meals for our guests.

During the pandemic, we launched our Check-in and Chat service, where volunteers call guests for a weekly natter to help combat social isolation. We have kept this service up and running alongside our community meals.

FoodCycle’s core aims are to:

• Connect communities - help strengthen and build resilient communities by bringing people together to share healthy, delicious meals.

• Support mental health and wellbeing - enhance the health and mental wellbeing of all by creating welcoming spaces for people from all backgrounds and walks of life to have conversations together.

• Nourish the hungry - improve nutrition and reduce hunger by cooking healthy meals for those in need, leading to improved food knowledge and changes in behaviour.

• Promote sustainability - change attitudes to food and society’s impact on the environment by cooking with surplus ingredients.

• Inspire change - share the virtues of our community dining model and the voices of our guests to gain greater support and speed our expansion, enabling us to help more people and more communities.

Donations enable us to continue to provide access to nutritious meals and vital social connection for people across the country. We have seen our guest numbers increase due to the cost of living crisis and FoodCycle is providing around 1,700 meals per week across the country. Our Projects also provide a warm space for people to find shelter in colder weather, and time spent at our meals means our guests don’t need to use energy for heating or cooking in their home.

Thank you for considering supporting FoodCycle and helping us to keep providing our community meals and meet the rising demand for our services.

“I am very glad to be able to come and meet other people, have a healthy meal without spending money. My husband passed away recently. I am alone and feel lonely, having small income to keep me up.” – FoodCycle guest, Kilburn Project