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Fit 4 Life Hampshire

A wellbeing charity, helping secondary school students build positive health for body and mind. We support over 200 individual through short courses and 1:1 intervention, as well as speak to 1000s of people through our inspiring motivation talks.

www.fit4lifehampshire.com Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1196508

Member since December 2022

Latest News

What difference does F4L make?

What difference does F4L make?

I was recently sat in the staff room of one of our Hampshire based schools. The Head of Year 11 came in, a lovely lady by the name of Sally.

I asked her how Joseph (Not their real name, but changed for the privacy of the student) a student I had worked with for 18 months had been getting on in school.

"Joseph is doing so well! Although he sometimes gets angry, instead of screaming and running off, leaving the situation unresolved, he knows where to go to process his anger now. "He has also been accepted into his college of choice. We are very proud of him, and appreciate the hours of work you have put into him."

I asked Sally, "So is Finley a good candidate for the Fit 4 Life award as our fundraising event next month?"

"Yes. He is the obvious choice, and deserves it so much!"

People like Joseph are the reason why Fit 4 Life exist, and is crucial.

By businesses coming alongside Fit 4 Life and helping us fundraise, it's stories like this that come out. Joseph doesn't fit into traditional intervention, so the services we offer change lives for those individuals.

Much love, Dan Desmond (Project Coordinator)

End of Term News

End of Term News

What a great half term it has been. Fit 4 Life have worked with 100 young people this term, helping them to complete the Fit 4 Life course. 6 young people have helped by being assistant coaches.

Our courses consist of boxing padwork tuition, combining with lessons all about how we can help to improve our mental health and confidence in our day-to-day life. If the boxing lessons are the bare minimum that do this, excellent. But for others, they use the techniques we give them when they feel panic, sadness or anger.

At the end of the course, we give them medals as a symbol of the great work they have done. I can't wait to give out 50 medals in the next few days.

From January, we will work with 100 new young people and try to give them a fighting chance of improving their wellbeing.

Have a Happy Christmas, everyone!!

Dan Desmond