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Young Persons Coping with Christmas Guide Book 2020

NHS England's Children and Young People’s Mental Health Midlands Clinical Network Team has endorsed our Guide to Coping with the Festive Season booklet which with Covid-19 grant funding our Patient Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) committee designed and had printed as A5 booklets and distributed to 13,600 school children and 400 NHS patients across the East Midlands this week, 7th December. Promoted as a good practice example by our NHS colleagues our social media team have been sharing the digital copy to more people and organisations for them to share with anyone they feel would benefit. You can see or download the digital copy from our website
We are grateful to the Qualiflex Digital team in Ilkeston, Derbyshire for their in-kind sponsorship of our project, for a professional and quality print service and courier service to over 300 locations - thank you.