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The 2019 Koestler Award winners were announced on 29 August 2019 and we are delighted to announce that 21 of those winners are tracks that were made on Finding Rhythms projects. You can hear the Platinum Award-winning tracks here and here.
The winning tracks were made in five different prisons. Each track was made in the course of one of our 36-hour recording projects. Project participants were expected to write their own lyrics and set these to music. They had to work collaboratively with other members of the group and with project leaders. In the process they learned valuable interpersonal and employment skills and earned a BTEC qualification.
“Everybody gives positive feedback, you’re not having that criticism, not having that negative vibes off __people, it makes you want to do more, it makes you want to practise it more and do better” – Participant, HMP & YOI Bronzefield
“It was particularly nice to observe the learners being encouraged to take ownership of their compositions, having their opinions and wishes prioritised whilst communicating amongst themselves. This was connected to employability in a very effective way and the learners have told me that their __confidence and optimism has improved during the time they have spent with Finding Rhythms” – Staff Member, HMP Cardiff