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EmbraceAbility provides therapy, education and support to disabled girls and their carers in Cambodia. Our mission is to provide therapy, education and support to disabled girls and their carers in Cambodia, while fostering inclusive communities through community work and the promotion of disability rights.

http:/www.embraceability.org.uk/ Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1173877

Member since February 2022

About us

It is estimated that one in five women live with a disability. There are currently 840,000 women and girls living with a disability in Cambodia. Women and girls with disabilities experience various types of impairments - including physical, psychosocial, intellectual and sensory conditions.

In 2017 EmbraceAbility was founded to improve the lives of disabled girls and their carers in Cambodia. Over the past five years, we have developed four core programmes to respond to the needs of disabled children in Cambodia.

Healthcare & Therapy

This programme takes a family orientated approach and takes a four-pronged approach.

  1. The Caregiver Skills Training (CST) this programme is designed to be delivered by training non-specialists - such as community-based workers or peer caregivers - as part of the healthcare programme where children receive therapy as part of their therapy plan.

  2. Therapy assessments and plans: each disabled girl is given a basic healthcare check-up and assessment by a professional. During this assessment, we work with a therapist, the child and the family to work on goals. We put an emphasis on giving the child and family the power to make decisions about their healthcare and the goals they want to achieve.

  3. Service Referral: EmbraceAbility has established connections and relationships with other NGOs who specialise in other rehabilitation services. Our relationships with other organisations mean beneficiaries are able to access the healthcare they need.

  4. Sexual and Reproductive Workshops: disabled girls and women do not have access to information about their sexual and reproductive health or rights. This year we want to provide sanitary products to women and girls in disabled households, workshops and information to break down barriers to sexual and reproductive healthcare in Cambodia.

Inclusive Education

Disabled girls are less likely to return to school after the Covid-19 pandemic. Our inclusive education programme offers flexible and supportive lessons for them to get help with their homework and ask questions about anything they have learnt in school.

Covid-19 Prevention Pack Programme

Providing families living in poverty with accessible information, food, essential medical supplies and menstrual products to ensure no one is left behind during this crisis.

Time to Care

A new project aiming to launch in 2022 where we will be providing weekly support to carers and workshops.

EmbraceAbility is a small dedicated team of volunteers and staff improving the lives of disabled children in Cambodia. Collectively we have experience in healthcare, rehabilitation, fundraising, project management and research and development.

We work with a team of dedicated healthcare professionals in occupational therapy and speech therapy.

You may have noticed there are no photos on our profile. We are moving away from photos and towards illustrations. You can read more about our fresh approach to communications here https://www.embraceability.org.uk/get-educated/embraceabilitys-fresh-approach-to-visual-communication.