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DKMS Foundation

DKMS is dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders. We recruit blood stem cell donors to provide people with a second chance of life, raise funds to cover donor registration costs and support the improvement of blood cancer therapies through our own research.

dkms.org.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1150056

Member since September 2018

About us

Every 20 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with blood cancer or a blood disorder. For many blood cancer patients a blood stem cell transplant from a matching donor offers their best or only chance of survival. With more than 20,000 known tissue characteristics that can occur in millions of combinations, finding a matching donor is extremely rare.

4 in 10 people in need of a blood stem cell donation in the UK and worldwide do not find an unrelated matching donor.

At DKMS, our mission is to provide a matching donor for every blood cancer patient in need of a blood stem cell donation. Adding each potential lifesaver to the UK Aligned Stem Cell Register costs £40 and we rely on our supporters to help fund our lifesaving work.