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BXM Inspired

BXM Inspired provides funding for young people to access outdoor education to raise aspirations and combat mental health issues in tomorrows leaders, from The Duke of Edinburgh's Award to Geography and History trips. We also put on specific outdoor programs targeting certain mental health issues in children aged 12-15. We welcome companies to get as involved as they wish.

www.bxminspired.co.uk Fundraise for us

Registered charity no. 1188996

Member since November 2020

About us

Our history actually dates back to 2010, BXM Expeditions was founded and became the largest and most sophisticated expedition company in the UK, offering affordable trips for schools. But these low prices we never enough, after years of research, the team at BXM Expediitons established there was over 27% of chidden still missing out on trips due to financial reasons. These children often feel ostracised and miss out on key outdoor education. Often these children may not be academic but still don't get the opportunity to learn about the outdoors where often there are talents and passions that go undiscovered.

Outdoor pursuits allow peoples creativity and imagination to grow. It gives them time to think and escape everyday life. Build independence, raise aspirations but most importantly reduce mental health issues. We are putting together set programs for young people in this post-lockdown era. 2021 and 2022 will be key for us as adults to deal with Mental health issues in young people head on. On of our trustees Meg Hine (Celebrity and TV survival specialist) is placing firm footsteps in leading the way to help young people over come issues like anxiety.

To run these programs and help young people access trips they might normally miss out on, we need key funding from companies.