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Bridewell Gardens

Bridewell Gardens is a mental health recovery service. We provide social and therapeutic horticulture in a working garden to adults living in Oxfordshire. Our goal is to help people into jobs or voluntary roles out in the wider community.

www.bridewellgardens.co.uk Fundraise for us


Registered charity no. 1158456

Member since August 2022

About us

Bridewell is a mental health charity providing a recovery service for adults whose lives have been affected by serious mental ill-health. Founded in 1994 in Wilcote near North Leigh, the walled garden and vineyard offer people the time and space for recovery, growing confidence and self-esteem in a safe and supportive environment.

The garden provides the opportunity for people to undertake therapeutic activities in a social context with the support of a team of staff and volunteers. Each person is supported to work towards next steps, whether returning to work, taking more active roles in their communities, or building strategies to better manage their mental health.

The walled garden features a large pond in the cottage garden; an avenue of roses and apple trees; a knot garden; raised vegetable beds; a soft fruit cage and a herb wheel. There are various activities on offer at Bridewell such as gardening, blacksmithing, woodworking, rural crafts including willow-weaving, and cooking. The point of doing these activities in a group - apart from the inherent pleasure involved in doing and achieving them in this beautiful, safe environment - is to offer friendship, warmth, acceptance, compassion, support, structure, empathy and ultimately paths towards recovery. We see Bridewell as a stepping stone to recovery and we aim to offer hope for the future and restore self-esteem and confidence.