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Amazing coverage here in reporting by Molly Callahan on the work of our core partner APOPO.

These highly trained rats have sniffed out 150,000 explosives
The rats are fine: Read how once-overlooked animal skills are helping humans
Every weekday, as the sun comes up over Morogoro, Tanzania, an elite team of land mine-detection specialists begins its training. While the breeze blows through the grassy, 60-acre training ground, the specialists weigh in (to ensure their carefully calibrated diets are on track), then set to work searching for deactivated, buried land mines.
They have been trained since birth for this vital work. And for every land mine they find, during training and in the field, they’re rewarded with a delectable mash of bananas and avocados, or maybe a few peanuts.
The specialists are rats. Gambian pouched rats, to be exact. The organization they work for, APOPO, has trained hundreds of them to sniff out and signal the location of buried land mines....... you can read the rest of this great article by visiting ....